
South East workers express optimism over proposed N540,000 minimum wage

The South-East workforce has expressed optimism about the payment of the proposed N540,000 Minimum Wage to workers in the zone from May 1, 2024.

Anambra State NLC Chairman, Humphrey Nwafor, disclosed this at a press briefing on Monday in Awka, the State capital, to herald the week-long activities of the congress prelude to May 1 Workers Day.

Nwafor said the N540,000 Minimum Wage was proposed by the workforce during the South-East Zonal hearing organised by the Tripartite Committee on National Minimum Wage in Enugu.

He said the labour leaders in the zone were in constant talks with government over the matter.

“We are hopeful that a new minimum wage will be announced by the president on May 1. We in the South-East had proposed a minimum wage of N540,000. We are optimistic about something good.

Nwafor said the week-long activities would project the image of the Congress as well as unite the over 35 affiliate bodies.

He listed part of the activities to include novelty matches among the affiliate bodies, medical outreaches, healthy living lecture by the wife of the state governor, Dr Nonye Soludo.

He said, “On 25-26, we’ll be visiting the prisons and also engage the MD of ASHIA, Dr Simeon Onyemechi who will be taking us on health awareness and other medical outreach, including eye check.

“The wife of the governor will be delivering speech on healthy living to take place at NUT secretariat.

” On April 27th will be grand finale of the sports activities where the winners will be declared and trophies handed over to them.

“On 30th, we’ll visit Sabila and Lovebite facilities in Onitsha which will culminate with Gala night for the workers to unwind.

Nwafor who is less than two years in office as the Anambra NLC Chairman, said the May 1 prelude activities were part of his campaign promises.

He said,” During my campaigns, I promised to come up with programmes that will unite the workers and give them sense of belonging and make them see ourselves as those contributing to the development of the state.

“If we’re having an interface with the government, we’ll see ourselves as one, as there’s strength in unity. We want over 70,000 workers in the state to troop out en masse as I believe we have what it takes to place our demands on the table and they will listen to us.

“We’re going to partner and cooperate with the government to move the state forward. We’re the engine house that facilitates government activities,” the chairman added.