
Oyo lawmakers want streetlights in rural communities

Lawmakers of the Oyo State House of Assembly have appealed to the state government, especially the State Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, to factor in more communities and rural areas in the Light-up Oyo project.

The lawmakers made the appeal while contributing to a motion jointly brought before the House by Honourable Abiola Monsuru Olalekan (Akinyele I) and Honourable Oparinde Oladeji (Afijio) on the need to extend Light-up Oyo Project to Akinyele-Onidundu and Afijio axis as well as other areas of the state.

The lawmakers argued that rural and urban communities alike should partake in the benefits of being lit up including extended hours for robust economic activities and an improved sense of security.

The motion particularly made case for illumination of Akinyele-Onidundu town and Afijio town which they said boasted several industries and businesses.

The motion read in part: “The governor’s astute understanding that darkness harbors criminal activities underscores the critical importance of illuminating our towns and cities. 

“Further notes that phase one of the project which covered the Ibadan metropolis was greeted with excitement and joy. People of Oyo including visitors praised the Government for the brilliant initiative. 

“The projects illuminated streets allowing activities to extend beyond the usual time. A year later, around September 2020, the Second phase of the project was inaugurated by the Governor. 

“This phase was to cover other administrative zones of the State. The Light-Up Oyo project was designed to cover the entire state and 240 km of roads. The project has a tribridge power system. The Oyo State 11 Mega Watt Independent Power Project (IPP which is ongoing) is the main source of power, while gas, generators serve as backup.

“Given the demonstrable success of the Light Up Oyo project in enhancing economic vitality and fostering community safety elsewhere in the State, it is imperative that these communities be prioritized for inclusion in the initiative. 

“Further observes that the streetlights installed in the projects are of a better quality and give better illumination than solar-powered streetlights. The benefits that the project has brought to the communities that are currently enjoying it transcends the objectives of the Government.

The House urged its committee on Energy to interface with the Commissioner for Energy and Mineral Resources and other relevant officials on the next phase of the project.