
Oyo monarch seeks govt intervention over non-payment of salary

The Aresaadu of Iresaadu, Oba Olafimihan Adeyeye Oyerinde has complained over non-payment of salary and other benefits accorded his office five years after his appointment.

He, thereby, called on the Oyo state government to set up Panel of Inquiry on the matter.

Oba Olafimihan who made known his grievance through his Counsel, Barrister Adekunle Raji at a press briefing in Ibadan disclosed that his appointment as Aresaadu of Iresaadu was approved by the state government precisely May 24, 2019, after compliance with due process in the selection process.

He, however, regretted that since his appointment five years ago he has neither received any salary nor other benefits accorded his office.

The monarch added that several attempts had been made to draw the attention of the Ministry of Local Government and Chieftaincy Affairs to the development but to no avail.

Oba Oyerinde who described his non payment of salary and other benefits accorded his office as an infringement on his constitutional and human rights called for the swift intervention of Governor Makinde.

He also disclosed that there is a plan to set in motion a fresh selection process favourably to Emiolu Ruling House.

According to him, “We have it on good authority that underground moves are being initiated to set in motion a process for the Emiolu Ruling House to produce a candidate to occupy the throne of Aresaadu of Iresaadu.

“The consequence of such action, if allowed to materialise will only give rise to chaos and upheavals in the community”.

The monarch through his Counsel called on Makinde to use his office as a respecter of the rule of law to address the situation.

“Governor Makinde in his characteristic manner should step in to investigate these grievous allegations and let justice prevail.

“The governor should call for and peruse the Court rulings and legal counsels from the Ministry of Justice on this matter and ensure that Oba Oyerinde is rightfully recognised and duly compensated.”