
My wife won’t mind me kizzing in movies —Actor, Peter Ijagbemi

Actor and movie producer, Peter Ijagbemi is a prominent face in the Nigerian movie industry. He dominates both the English and Yoruba sectors. The Thespian, a graduate of Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria and Masters’ Degree holder from the University of Lagos (UNILAG), also in Theatre Arts, in this interview with FEMI OGUNTAYO, speaks on his plans in 2021 and other issues in the industry.

How would you describe your 2020 and what are your plans for 2021?

2020 was a great year for me. It was a year God really defined my course in the industry. I will say it was a year a lot of things changed for good for me. This year 2021, I pray that everything goes as planned. I was to set up my theater school this year, I also want to produce a lot of projects in terms of films and I pray God helps me in fulfilling all these this year.



Tell us briefly about who Peter Ijegbemi is?

I am a calm guy. Let me say, I am neither an extrovert nor an introvert, I am between the two. I am a playful person and I know when to be reserved. I am a married man, a proud dad, proud husband and a proud son to my parents.

How was your growing up?

My growing up was fantastic. I enjoyed both fatherly and motherly roles in my life, so growing up was a good one. I grew up in Ibadan,  but spent some time of my life in Kogi, also some in Ilorin. So, basically, it was fun growing up.

So, what’s your educational background

I had some part of my primary education in Ibadan, Ilorin and Kogi States, but my secondary school was in a missionary school in Kogi State, it was a boarding school. From there I proceeded to Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, where I studied Theater and Performing Arts. Before then, I had a higher diploma in Mass Communication but because I didn’t really like the idea of communication, I didn’t really love the course, I had to go for Theatre Arts.

I did the higher diploma in 2006 before going for BA in Theater Arts, then I did my masters in UNILAG in the same course and I majored in dance. I applied for a Ph.D, but because of the job I had then I couldn’t concentrate on the programme, but I just took another form in University of Benin to start another Ph.D. Then I have some professional courses I have done too.

What is your journey to stardom like? How did you join Nollywood? How did it all start for you?

Jeta Amata came to my school when I was in the university, he came to audition people because that is his style. He loves to use Theatre Arts students for his movies. So, I was lucky to be chosen as one of the winners, and that was my first major film. I did five scenes; the title of the movie was Sarauniya (Queen Amina of Zazzau). After that, I finished and I went to Lagos and later to Ibadan, where I joined ANTP, the Yoruba aspect of Nollywood. I had a boss then – Biodun Lawal (Diplomacy), I joined his caucus. From there, I just felt I should change, so I left there for Lagos, where I focused more on soap operas. It has been God all the way, God has been faithful. I have been moving from one level to another and I thank God I have not been stagnant and that is the most important thing.

What role do you love playing and which do you find challenging?

Every role is challenging and I cannot say I love a particular role. I love every role and every role for me is challenging because whatever character I am playing is not me. I am trying to put on someone who is not me, so every role is challenging to a professional. For a professional, every role should be loved, because if you don’t love the role, there is no way you will interpret the role very well. So, I love every role I play.

As a married man, are there roles you wouldn’t play because of your wife?

My wife knew what she was going to face when she married me. She married me as an actor so she already prepared her mind for whatever she was going to face. So, I won’t say I can’t play a particular role because of my wife. In fact, she will be the one encouraging me that, ‘baby you can do this’. Maybe you feel if I am to play a role where I have to kiss another lady, my wife will even be the one encouraging me that I should do it, because that is what brings food to the table.

As a thespian, what would you say distinguishes you from other actors in the industry? What is your unique style?

I can’t really say this is what makes me different from others; I think that is left for the viewers to determine. I just know that I try to deviate a little from what is common from the norm. For example, a particular thing happened and I was supposed to shout, I try as much as possible not to shout, to express my anger and not shout, still showing it in a very calm mood. I just know that the grace of God makes everyone different in their own way. So, I can’t really say this is what makes me different.