
12 take-aways from Tinubu’s June 12 national broadcast

On Wednesday, President Bola Tinubu delivered his second Democracy Day address since taking office on May 29, 2024.

In his speech, the President paid tribute to the heroes of democracy and called on Nigerians to support his administration’s initiatives to bolster the economy.

He also announced that a bill proposing a new minimum wage will soon be presented to the National Assembly, among other key points.

Here are 12 takeaways from Tinubu’s June 12 national broadcast:

Celebration of 25 Years of Democracy:

President Tinubu acknowledged the 25th anniversary of uninterrupted democratic governance in Nigeria.

He said, ” This year also marks our nation’s 25 years of uninterrupted democratic governance.”

Tribute to Heroes:

In his speech, President Tinubu honoured key figures who sacrificed their lives for democracy, including Chief MKO Abiola, Kudirat Abiola, General Shehu Musa Yar’Adua, Pa Alfred Rewane, and others.

He said, ”We lost great heroes and heroines along the way. In this struggle, the winner of the June 12, 1993 presidential election, Chief MKO Abiola, the most significant symbol of our democratic struggle, his wife, Kudirat, General Shehu Musa Yar’Adua and Pa Alfred Rewane, among others sacrificed their very lives”


Media’s Role:

He also celebrated Nigerian journalists and media houses that supported the pro-democracy movement, despite oppression from the military government, acknowledging Tribune, The Punch, Guardian, National Concord, The News/Tempo, and TELL Magazines

”We celebrate them today, along with their media establishments such as The Punch, Guardian, National Concord, Tribune, The News/Tempo, and TELL Magazines. Military authorities proscribed these media establishments and jailed their journalists for standing for free speech and civil liberties
Despite the lethal might of the military government, what appeared to be high and unyielding walls of dictatorship came tumbling down. The dismal fortress exists no longer.”


Economic Reforms:

Tinubu Acknowledged economic challenges and the need for reforms aimed at creating a strong foundation for future growth and ensuring fair economic opportunities for all citizens.

He said, ”The reforms we have initiated are intended to create a stronger, better foundation for future growth. There is no doubt the reforms have occasioned hardship. Yet, they are necessary repairs required to fix the economy over the long run so that everyone has access to economic opportunity, fair pay and compensation for his endeavour and labour.”


Minimum Wage Negotiation:

Also, the president announced ongoing negotiations with Organised Labour for a new national minimum wage, highlighting a cooperative approach to conflict.

”In this spirit, we have negotiated in good faith and with open arms with organized labour on a new national minimum wage. We shall soon send an executive bill to the National Assembly to enshrine what has been agreed upon as part of our law for the next five years or less.”


Call to Action:

He encouraged Nigerians to continue working towards a better future, emphasizing the importance of unity and perseverance in the face of challenges.


Recognition of Sacrifices:

In addition, Tinubu acknowledged the sacrifices of various pro-democracy activists and exiled individuals, such as Chief Anthony Enahoro, Chief Abraham Adesanya, Professor Wole Soyinka, and others.


Vision for the Future:

He also expressed hope and determination for Nigeria’s future, calling on the people to keep the fire of democracy burning in a collective effort to achieve national greatness and prosperity.


ALSO READ:June 12: Let’s return to a truly democratic nation — Peter Obi

Nature of Democracy:

He went on to emphasise that democracy is more than elections; it includes freedom, liberty, and the peaceful resolution of differences without force or repression.

”Fellow Nigerians, true democracy shines its light into the daily lives of the people who live under its nurturing wings. It affords us the freedom and liberty to think as we want, live where we want and pursue whatever legitimate endeavour that suits us.”

Commitment to Democratic Values:

He urged Nigerians to be committed to preserving and strengthening democracy, ensuring it remains a guiding principle in governance, protecting citizens’ rights, and promoting economic democracy


Inspiration and Resolve:

He invoked the spirit of progress and determination, urging the nation to keep the flame of democracy burning and move forward together toward a brighter future.

”Let’s continue to keep the fire of democracy burning. Let’s keep the torch lit for generations to come.”


Closing Remarks:

In his closing remarks, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu prayed for the continued blessing and preservation of Nigeria’s democracy.

”May God continue to bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria and preserve our democracy.”