
Supreme Court tussle won’t affect state govt — Jigawa Speaker

The speaker of the Jigawa State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Haruna Aliyu Dangyatin said the legal tussle between the federal government and states’ governors at the Supreme Court has not in any way affected or would affect the Jigawa State Governor and his government.

The speaker made the disclosure while briefing newsmen on the achievements the house has achieved in the last year, saying, “The local government councils in the state are financially autonomous.”

Rt. Hon. Haruna Aliyu Dangyatin explained that “Governor Malam Umar Namadi is not and never takes any Kobo from the local government councils funds from the federal allocations. Every local council is receiving its full allocation every month.”

According to him “but as it is our constitutional responsibility to legislate on the local government councils’ administration and finances, we are making efforts to ensure accountability and transparency at the local government councils”.

Rt. Hon. Dangyatin noted that in the year under review, the House of Assembly has achieved its constitutional sitting, as it recorded over 180 sittings during which it made 27 resolutions and passed 19 laws in the last year.

He explained that, aside from sitting above average, the assembly was, within the period under review, committed to promoting synergy with the executive, judiciary, and media for improving the socio-economic lives of Jigawa citizens and sustainable democratic development.

Rt. Honourable Dangyatin added that the assembly had conducted a series of oversight functions to ensure public accountability in all aspects.

The resolution and laws we passed paved the way and supported the governance reform embarked on by Governor Malam Umar Namadi through his 12-point agenda designed to make Jigawa prosperous and great.

“Some of the laws we passed in the last year included the law for the establishment of State Polytechnic of Information and Technology Kazaure, Basic Health Insurance Scheme, Senior Secondary School Board, Bureau of Statistics, and

“We also passed laws for State Economic Empowerment and Youth Employment Agency State Bureau of Statistics (Amendment No. 1), Law No. 62023, Economic Planning Board (Amendment No. 1), State House of Assembly Service Commission Law, Revised Local Government Appropriation Law, and State Appropriation Law No. 92023.”

“Others were.PrimaryHealth Development Agency (Amendment) Law, 2024, Jigawa State Contributory HealthCare Management AgencyLaw 2024, State Information Technology and Digital Economy
Agency Law 2024, State Resident Identity Management Agency Law, 2024,” Hon Aliyu stated

The speaker, however, assured the people of Jigawa State that the assembly is results-oriented and committed to continuing to work according to its constitutional jurisdiction for the peace, unity, and progress of Jigawa State.