
Being an Actress Finding True Love Is Always Difficult, But I Have Guy That Help Me…. — Laide Bakare Spill

Actress, Laide Bakare, tells FAITH AJAYI about her sojourn in the entertainment industry

What is informed your decision to go into acting even though you studied History in school?

I actually studied Theatre Arts at the University of Ibadan before pursuing studies in History and Strategic Studies at the University of Lagos. Upon graduation, I observed the mandatory National Youth Service Corps scheme in Yobe State, though I later redeployed to Lagos State, where I successfully concluded the service year. That diverse educational background enriched my perspective and skills.



Why did you decide to become an actress?

I was inspired by broadcasters, as well as the deep love I had for journalism. I initially aspired to study Mass Communication; but fate steered me towards Theatre Arts.

The twist, though unexpected, turned out to be serendipitous. Studying Theatre Arts not only broadened my perspective on storytelling and communication, it also ignited a fervour for the entertainment industry. The vibrant and diverse experiences I had at the University of Ibadan became the stepping stone for my professional journey. Now, as I navigate the dynamic field of the entertainment industry, I appreciate how that unconventional path has enriched my skills, offering a unique blend of creativity and communication that defines my roles in this exciting industry.

What were the factors that inspired you in the early stage of your career?

Studying Theatre Arts at the University of Ibadan fuelled my passion for the profession, but what truly shaped my journey were the numerous actors that were around me at the time. Back then, filmmakers usually used my father’s house backdrop for their movies. Surrounded by that creative environment, I gained hands-on exposure to the world of filmmaking. The blend of academic knowledge and real-world experiences not only deepened my appreciation for theatre arts, but also ignited a profound interest in acting. Those early interactions with filmmakers and actors became pivotal, steering my path towards a dynamic and fulfilling exploration of the entertainment industry.

What inspired the book, ‘Make Millions in Six Months’, which you published recently?

The book was inspired by my personal experiences and achievements. I am confident that what has worked for me can benefit anyone wherever they are in the world.

What are some of the challenges you encounter at this stage of your career?

As an actress, producer and director, my primary challenge has to do with navigating relationships and finding true love. Sometimes, people are attracted to my status and my profession, rather than the essence of who I am. Distinguishing genuine connections from those based on fame is often a delicate task.

How have you been able to constantly overcome those challenges?

I employ patience to eliminate toxicity from my life.

What is the most challenging role you have ever played?

Portraying romantic roles, especially scenes that involve kissing and touching, pose unique challenges. Navigating the authenticity required for such moments, while maintaining professionalism, can be intricate. Balancing the demands of the script with personal comfort adds complexity to those roles, requiring a nuanced approach to ensure a convincing, yet respectable performance.

What are the major highlights of your career?

The best part of my career started with my first big role, bringing me fame and recognition at the Thema Awards in 1999. Winning the award of Best Up-and-coming Actress at that time was a game-changer. My name has been relevant in the industry ever since.