
Soludo inaugurates panel of inquiry to investigate Onitsha building collapse

Anambra Governor, Chukwuma Soludo has inaugurated a panel of inquiry that will investigate the remote and immediate causes of the unfortunate building collapse at Ọdụ Igbo market, Ochanja and Dennis Memorial Grammar School, Onitsha, the commercial city of the State.

Governor Soludo performed the function at the Governor’s Lodge, Amawbia, on Thursday.

Engr. Sir Victor Meju, the Chairman of COREN Anambra State Chapter will serve as Chairman.

Members of the committee are: Arc. Ikenna Eboh- Chairman, Nigerian Institute of Architect (NIA) Anambra State Chapter;  Mr Nwofor Ben Obiora, the Chairman, Nigerian Institute of Town Planners (NITP) Anambra State Chapter, Surv. Gabriel Okeke, the Chairman, Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Anambra State Chapter.

Others are: Mr Kingsley Nweke, the Chairman, Nigerian Institute of Builders (NIOB) Anambra State Chapter, MD/CEO Anambra State Material Testing Laboratory- Member, Prof. Ezeagu Akaolisa- Chairman Institute of Structural Engineers, member and the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Housing Anambra State – Secretary of the Committee.

Terms of reference of the panel include identifying the immediate and underlying causes of the collapse of Lockup shops at Ọdụ Igbo Ochanja market and the centenary building at Dennis Memorial Grammar School Onitsha, including structural, design, construction, and maintenance factors, assessing the role of relevant authorities, including regulatory bodies and local government agencies, in monitoring and enforcing building codes and safety standards, among others, review compliance and make recommendations within 28 days or four weeks.

According to the Governor, the panel is made up of the state chairmen of the various chapters of various professional bodies in Nigeria, pointing out that their appointment was a result of the offices they occupy.

He stated that the quick composition and inauguration of the panel shows the importance his government places on the subject matter, charging them on utmost professionalism in the discharge of their job description.

While expressing optimism about getting an impeccable set of recommendations, the Governor gave assurances that his administration may use it as a basis to effect corrective actions.

Speaking on behalf of the panel members, Engr. Meju assured of discharging their duty to the best of their ability and articulate their recommendations in the interest of a greater number of ndị Anambra.