
Messi found Pep Guardiola’s training style confusing and didn’t like it.

Lionel Messi has expressed his discomfort with Pep Guardiola’s training methods during their time together at Barcelona, describing them as confusing.

The Argentina captain criticized the way Guardiola’s tactics were imposed on young players at La Masia, feeling it restricted their natural abilities.

Messi, speaking in an interview with JP Varsky on Clank Media, highlighted that children as young as six were taught to play with two touches and at a faster pace, which he believes hindered their spontaneity on the field.



He suggested that instead of such structured training, kids should learn to comprehend the game, develop their movements, and find spaces naturally.

Messi, formerly with PSG, emphasized that while playing quickly is important, it shouldn’t come at the cost of each player’s individual spontaneity and creativity (via Mundo Albiceleste).