
God always answer my prayers, I prayed to have twins and God answered me –Rykardo Agbo spill

Nollywood actor, Rykardo Agbo, in this interview with Olushola Ricketts, speaks on his fatherhood experience

How would you describe your role as a father?

It brings many limitations, but inasmuch as it does that, it helps to put you in perspective. It helps to check your excesses as a man because you know there are a lot of people looking up to you for survival. Marriage is a moderator and a regulator.



How did you feel when your first child arrived?

I had twins – a boy and a girl. I felt a total joy from within when I became a father. I don’t know how else to explain it, but the feeling was awesome.

Were you not scared of taking care of two babies at the same time?

For me, it was what I had craved right from the day I married. I wished for it, prayed for it, waited for it and it came to me. I think I am extremely blessed to get what I wanted.

Were you in the labour room during your wife’s childbirth?

No, I wasn’t in the theatre with her during the birth of our children. I think I was working on that day.

Would you have preferred two boys?

Just as I told you, my wish came true. It wasn’t the first time I wished for something and I got it.

Were you ready financially and psychologically when you got married?

There is no perfect time to get married, as one cannot be totally ready. All you need is to pray to God to guide your steps. There will always be challenges in marriage; it is left for the couple to accommodate each other’s excesses and see how they can make things work.

At what age did you get married?

I married at 26; I don’t think it was too young or old. I felt it was the right time and she was the right person. I have been married for over 20 years.

Did you lose female fans after marriage?

Female fans are not interested in sleeping with you; they are only in love with your acting skills. Once you are a good actor, people will love your movies.

Also, as a man or woman, you have to take care of your appearance. That is the first thing that attracts people to you. As an actor, you have to go to the gym regularly.