
Serving and Past Exco Members of the NBA Nsukka Branch Rally Behind Tobenna Erojikwe for the NBA Presidency

In a significant show of unified support, both current and former executive committee members of the Nigerian Bar Association’s (NBA) Nsukka Branch have collectively thrown their weight behind Tobenna Erojikwe’s candidature for the NBA Presidency. This strong endorsement from a diverse group of legal professionals in Nsukka, spanning different generations of leadership, signals robust grassroots support for Erojikwe’s bid to lead the NBA.

The endorsements come from a wide range of positions within the branch, including:


1. Clinton L. B. Eze, Vice Chairman, NBA Nsukka

2. A. U. Agbo ACIArb, Secretary, Nsukka Branch

3. D. U. Ezugwu, Assistant Secretary, NBA Nsukka Branch

4. M. O. Ugwuoke, Esq., Financial Secretary, NBA Nsukka

5. A. E. Onu, Esq., Treasurer, NBA Nsukka Branch

6. H. O. Eze, Esq., Publicity Secretary, NBA Nsukka Branch

7. F. J. Nwodo, Esq., former Chairman, NBA Nsukka Branch

8. Dr. M. C. Nwande, former secretary, NBA Nsukka Branch

9. Chief M. A. Iyamanbhor, former Chairman of the NBA Nsukka Branch


H. O. Eze, Esq., the Publicity Secretary of NBA Nsukka Branch, highlighted Erojikwe’s contributions to the legal profession, stating, “Tobenna, through his antecedents and unmatched contributions to the growth of the legal profession using NBA ICLE and other viable channels, has distinguished himself amongst other candidates and is therefore deserving of our support.”

A. U. Agbo ACIArb, the current Secretary of the Nsukka Branch, emphasised the potential for positive change under Erojikwe’s leadership, saying, “I thought long and hard and made up my mind to vote for Tobenna Erojikwe for a courageous and resilient bar where no lawyer will be left behind.”

This unified support from both current and past leaders of the NBA Nsukka Branch underscores Erojikwe’s appeal across different generations of legal professionals. It also highlights his ability to garner support from various regions of Nigeria, as Nsukka represents a significant voice in the eastern part of the country.

The endorsements from such a diverse group of branch leaders could potentially influence other NBA members, especially those who value the opinions of their local branch leadership. This show of support may also indicate Erojikwe’s strong connections and reputation beyond the major urban centres, suggesting a broad base of support across different regions of Nigeria.

As the NBA presidential election approaches, this collective endorsement from the Nsukka Branch leadership could provide significant momentum to Erojikwe’s campaign. It remains to be seen how other branches and regions will respond and whether this wave of support from Nsukka will inspire similar endorsements from other NBA branches across the country.

The upcoming election is poised to be a pivotal moment for the NBA, with the chosen leader expected to guide the association through the evolving challenges and opportunities facing the legal profession in Nigeria. The strong backing from the Nsukka Branch suggests that many see Erojikwe as the candidate best equipped to lead this charge.

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