
Ethnic nationalities to Tinubu: Apply doctrine of necessity to rescue Nigeria

President Bola Tinubu should, as a matter of urgency, invoke the doctrine of necessity in order to rescue the country from its current quagmire, the Coalition of Indigenous Ethnic Nationalities has said.

The call is contained in a memo signed by a leader of the Coalition of Indigenous Ethnic Nationalities (CIEN), Dr Akin Fapounda sent to the president as a reminder to the comprehensive memorandum written to the president by CIEN in June this year, all of which were obtained by the Nigerian Tribune.

Copies of the latest document were sent to the president of the Senate, Senator Godswill Apkabio and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Honourable Tajudeen Abass.

The memo made reference to the initial 59 Path and Processes towards restructuring Nigeria in which the coalition proposed a draft containing stipulations and content specifications, as inputs into an Executive Bill to be presented by the office of the Attorney General of the Federation to the National Assembly.

The CIEN leaders include: Professor Benjamin Okaba, who is the chairman of the Ijaw National Congress (IJC); Timothy B. Gandu (co-chairman) – Southern Kaduna Leadership Council;  Mr. Nubari Saatah (Secretary) – Niger Delta Congress;  Dr. Akin Fapohunda of the Afenifere; Professor Ejeikwu Emmanuel Oloja – Kwararafa Union;  Chief Owolabi Oladejo (Voice of Reason in Yorubaland); Professor Chris Akpotu – Isoko Development Union and  Mr. Tochukwu Ifeneme – The Mandate Project.

Others are Barrister Daniel Makolo of the Amakpilo Igala Nation; Professor Offiong Akwa (represented)—Ibom Republic; Mr Kemedengiyefa Opia—Niger Delta Congress;  Dr. Lloyd Ukwu, National democratic Coalition (NADECO) USA/Niger Delta Congress; Mr Emma Ogebe—Justice for Jos; Mrs. Ene Ede—Idoma Nation;  Mr. Austin Davou—Berom Nation and  Mr. Dogini Chidi of the Ekpeye Liberation Movement.

In the memo, Dr Fapounda stated: “My dear President, at the dawn of the present (Fourth) Republic, on May 29, 1999, no instrument of governance framework was in place.

“President Olusegun Obasanjo took over the polity in a vacuum. But the political class implicitly invoked the doctrine of necessity, as the military just had to go.

“For the second time later, President Umaru Yar’Adua became incapacitated. The doctrine of national necessity was also invoked to usher in the Presidency of Goodluck Jonathan.

“It is therefore my supreme belief that Nigeria is now at the same junction of history.

“The economy is bad with debt overhang; the electoral system is incredibly monetised, thereby shutting selfless citizens out.

“The polity of Nigeria needs to be simplified, reformed and transformed before the advent of 2027.

“This clarion call for action at this moment would entail the expenditure of your massive political capital in order to succeed in the undertaking proposed therein.

“As you therefore deliberate and consider the possibilities for heeding this call selflessly, Mr President, I commit you to the benevolence and favour of almighty God.”

While saluting the president “for the deft handling of the affairs of the Nation, so far despite all odds, Fapounda said his memo was a “gentle reminder of the need to act with urgency towards the transformation of the Nigerian polity.”

He added: “Change is so difficult to contemplate, yet the Nigerian system needs to be re-worked fundamentally.

“It is a greater herculean undertaking to initiate and execute ideas for comprehensive change, especially considering the possible self-confidence that seven more years are ahead for your government.”

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